Sunday, 26 September 2010

Bee J's FACTORS [Snapshots of Bee J You Tiao at Expert (老行家)]

Behind this golden brown, crisp and soft Bee J You Tiao is Bee J's factors...

 Snapshots of Bee J You Tiao at Expert (老行家)

 Good attitude and diligence

Good Coordination

Eyes on, hands on and HEART on 
Good customer service and willing to improve attitude
Good ambience

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Bee J You Tiao at C121, Stutong, Kuching

A write up about Bee J You Tiao by International Times( 国际时报 )on 19.3.2010

The chinese words literally mean "Outside crispy inside soft 1 foot long big you tiao"

Bee J's workers are all trained to serve value customers with the best you tiao.

Bee J workers always know how to interact with customers!

Yes, Bee J you tiao is 12 inches long...

Thanks to customers who have been waiting patiently...

 All the workers know how to coordinate with each other well in spite of limited space.  







古晋的食客一般会买油条来配咖啡、粥、绿豆爽或肉骨茶,但前来购买Bee J油条的许多食客也不时会向Bee J 提议说油条配或涂抹辣椒酱、乳酪、酱油、牛奶也很好吃。


Thursday, 16 September 2010


Photo of 湛爱玲 reprinted at courtesy of

You tiao or yu char kway has been put in the limelight in Kuching during and after the Astro Classic Golden Melody Singing Competition 2010 where the one participant from Kuching, Mdm. Tam Sien Yeong has captured the audiences throughout the whole nation.
Tam Sien Yong has been selling you tiao for the past 15 years, she has won the champion and all the subsidiary titles for the competition in August, 2010.
Thanks to Tam Sien Yong, Bee J You Tiao becomes even more popular and sells like hot cakes especially during weekend and public holiday.

自从来自古晋的“油条歌后”湛爱玲2010 经典名曲歌唱大赛唱响人生,辉煌十年中歌赛中一炮而红以后,Bee J(必佳)油条也沾了她的光,大受欢迎,更有不少客人以为Bee J 油条的老板娘就是湛爱玲!其实不是.

湛爱玲卖了十五年的油条,Bee J, 原名“Bee Jay”则是在2005年开始在七哩的Jolly Food Court 营业,后来在200911月在史都东的C121设立第二个摊位,今年3月在四哩半的老行家设了第三家。 今年6月,Bee J 结束了七哩的档口并迁移到King Centre Mega One  

Bee J 原名 Bee Jay 就是在Jolly Food Court的这个档口开始发迹




爱玲在舞台上向全国观众抛出的“我的油条是最好吃的”为她带来了“油条歌后”的名衔,在湛爱玲的家乡古晋更掀起油条热,也让更多人留意到Bee J油条,每逢假期及周末都会出现排队的现象。

"Let me be first."
除了古晋的食客外,Bee J油条也获得了不少来自外省,西马甚至海外食客的青睐,Bee J最讲究的是油条的品质,新鲜的油,上等的面粉,一尺的长度、一定的厚度及金黄的颜色,现炸现卖,炸出来的油条要让顾客咬下去有那外脆内软的口感。尽管油价,糖,鸡蛋,面粉相继起价,但是Bee J在用料及品质方面决不妥协,因为油条好不好吃,绝对逃不过顾客的味蕾,从越来越多顾客喜欢吃Bee J油条,足以证明Bee J 油条已经得到了广大群众的肯定。


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Malaysia Day, Sept 16 - Better late than never

For the first time since the formation of Malaysia in 1963, Sept 16 only been declared by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in last October as Malaysia Day and a nationwide public holiday in Malaysia. The date will be observed as Malaysia Day from 2010 onwards.

Even though Federation of Malaysia was born for 47 years, many people still do not understand its formation and the customs and traditions or aware of the date’s significance in the history of this country. Don’t feel surprise if you come across a Malaysian who tell you that Peninsula gained independence on Aug 31, while Sabah and Sarawak gained independence on Sept 16 or Malaysia gained independence on Aug 31!!!

We are glad to see that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has made his effort to unite the people in the East and West and the move to declare Sept 16 as a nationwide holiday to promote 1Malaysia spirit to foster national unity among the various races and to strengthen national integration between the people in the Peninsula and those in Sabah and Sarawak.

This coming Thursday, Sabah has been given the honour to host the inaugural Malaysia Day celebration to be officiated by prime minister.

As a Sarawakian, I feel that this coming Malaysia Day brings lots of meaning to our fellow Sarawakian and Sabahan, we feel that federal government finally recognized the importance and contributions of Sabah and Sarawak towards the formation of Malaysia.

This Malaysia Day even though has been 47 years late, but it is better late than never.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

Chinese Food IS the Solution:

Healthy & Balanced Food for You!

Chinese food emphasizes on consuming a diet that contains a healthy balance between yin and yang. You'll find most Chinese dishes are made of a mixture of ingredients and each meal is made up of a combination of dishes.

Actually according to a survey held by the food industry,

72.4% people think that Chinese food is healthy
89.3% people like Chinese food
67.8% people would like to cook Chinese food if they know how

Before you start looking for vitamin pills or supplements, start eating a health and balanced diet from today. To find out more. Click here

Bee J You Tiao with modern taste! 融入了新时代味道的Bee J 油条!

Bee J You Tiao filled with sausage is only available at C121, Stutong on Sunday and Public Holiday at the moment. 

Bee J you tiao topped with Bee J Special Kaya with less sugar is the most popular flavour among the folks.

Chicken floss + mayo = simply irresistable

If you want perfect bite, try the plain one.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Crisp and soft..Bee J you tiao

In KL, you can find I LOVE YOO (老油鬼鬼) in most of the major shopping locations. In Penang, you can find the longest you tiao with 14 inches long at Te Chang You Tiao Wang at Paya Terubong area.

In East Malaysia, Bee J (必佳)You Tiao in Kuching is the one you must not miss!

Bee J you tiao aims to give you tiao and food lovers from all work of life the bite of crisp and soft feeling... It comes with a variety of toppings or flavours to give this traditional Chinese favourite snack a modern taste which you just cannot get enough.

Locations in Kuching:
C121 at Stutong (Next to Stutong Market)
Expert Coffee Shop at 4 1/2 Mile, Penrissen Road (Opposite Everise Supermarket)
Mega One at King Centre.
Premier 101, Kuching (Night time only)